Is The Price of Home Solar Installation Increasing in New Mexico?

Don't Let Rising Solar Installation Costs Keep You From Owning A Solar Electric System!

The solar panel industry has long thrived on the prospect of enlisting a global market approach to provide equipment for solar installations. This global market includes module (solar panel) manufacturing and encompasses a global effort in order to source materials, components, and labor.
Competition in module manufacturing has allowed the solar industry to thrive in the last several years, as module prices have fallen steadily and the cost to consumer has been greatly reduced.

This could all change if the ITC and the President of the United States determine that higher tariffs should be implemented in order to allow manufacturing plants in the United States to control solar panel prices for the global market. 

What is the Section 201 Case?
The Section 201 Trade Act provides temporary relief in situations where imports to the United States are injuring the U.S. market. Industry representatives may petition to the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) to conduct an investigation into whether imports are causing adversely affecting the industry; and then can recommend remedies.
The fact is, because solar panel production is a global market, the affects of a tariff increase or set import costs for solar panels, would adversely affect the solar industry both local and global.
Will Increased Tariffs Hurt Jobs?
Absolutely. In 2016, the solar industry employed 260,077 solar workers (Solar Jobs Census). If the ITC makes recommendations for increasing tariffs on imports and creating a price floor for all solar panels, the industry could lose as many as 88,000 jobs (SEIA).
How much would installation prices change?
Just a few short months ago, homeowners could install solar for around $2.80-$3.85 a watt nationally. If the ITC and the President rule to increase solar import tariffs, these installation costs could increase by 98%-162%, according to ClearView Energy Partners; thus crippling the solar industry.
Sol Luna Solar has a deep commitment to providing the very best price and service for Solar installation in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, and Taos. Increases in price will greatly affect our ability to continue to provide the best competitive price in New Mexico. In addition, other solar panel installers will be affected by the same import tariffs; causing great harm to the New Mexico solar market.
Who Does the Tariff Affect?
The tariff, while initially projected toward the Chinese module manufacturing industry, would greatly impact the global solar panel market; another negative blow to the environment and our global marketplace.
When Will The Price Increases Take Effect?
The Section 201 case is set to go to the President’s desk this fall, and with the current administration it seems likely that higher tariffs will be imposed on solar panel imports from across the globe starting in 2018. Unfortunately, some of the damage is already being done, as module manufacturers are already increasing prices to support global demand and supply. 
Are Prices Already Increasing?
Yes. Solar panel prices, in anticipation of the tariff increases have already gone up as demand becomes higher and supplies are more limited.
What Should Homeowners DO?
Now is the time to invest in your solar installation. Sol Luna Solar has anticipated the solar panel price increases and is well stocked to supply higher demand at the lower 2017 springtime prices.

For customers who ACT NOW, we will be able to provide the most competitive priced services and equipment; thus passing on valuable savings that won’t be available later in the year.

Don’t Wait Solar Panel Prices to Increase! 

Let Sol Luna Solar assess your home energy use and determine the best priced system for you!

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