It's Time To Shine New Mexico!

Contact Us

Send us a quick message and find out how Sol Luna Solar WILL exceed your expectations with our robust and client focused Solar Installation services.

We offer Solar Installation, Energy Storage (also known as Battery back-up), and long-term maintenance and support. Our service area includes most urban and rural communities throughout New Mexico. In addition to our residential services, we are a leading rooftop and ground mount EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractor for large commercial and utility scale solar arrays. Our wealth of experience and performance data make us a proven partner for your large solar construction needs.

Service Locations: AlbuquerqueAbiquiu, Belen,  BernalilloCorrales, DixonEldorado, Espanola, Las Vegas, Los Alamos, Los Lunas, PlacitasRio RanchoSanta Fe, Tijeras, and Taos.

(505) 455-8875
Sol Luna Solar headquarters, Dixon, NM


Sol Luna Solar used the very best performance modeling software in order to design the perfect solar installation that meets your needs. Our experience and understanding of electric code ensures your solar installation will meet the highest safety standards and performance requirements. In just a few seconds you could be on your way to a brighter tomorrow!

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2018 Top Solar Contractor Solar Power World
Top 500 Solar Installer in 2017