Solar Energy Is In Reach

Quality and Low-Cost Solar Energy Solutions

Solar Energy Within Reach

Solar Energy Within Reach

We often encounter customers who are weary of the cost of going Solar. We get it. In the past Solar was considered a luxury item for the super rich. Too often we still hear from customers who are scared away by the price of Solar and the companies that equate a higher cost to better system performance. That is why Sol Luna Solar designs systems and pricing to make solar energy within reach.

These valued customers are 100% of the time impressed by our straight-forward approach and our honest commitment to providing lower cost solar options for the masses.

Not only do we believe that Solar is an affordable means of generating electricity, we are putting our beliefs to practice, by providing the best price, service, and workmanship in the industry.

We are a do-it-all company, and we strive to keep competitive in the ever-changing solar market.

As a solar installer, we believe in an honest, straightforward approach to integrating solar. There are no games, no gimmicks; just simple pricing that reflects our desire to supply more customers with an alternative energy source from traditional coal powered electricity generation.

Eliminating the Stigma

Solar has long been thought to be ‘too expensive’ for mass integration. Most of what has made this idea seemingly true are the upfront costs associated with going solar.

Rather than talk to our clients about the expense of Solar, we look at the practical aspects and find realistic options that deliver solar energy within reach.

There are many products we purchase each day that fall into the category of expensive or practical.

Practical: A nice winter coat that will last forever.

Unpractical and expensive: A fancy dress for a one time occasion.

When something is expensive, it has higher upfront costs and it doesn’t hold enough value to pay itself off overtime. Solar on the other hand is quite practical, in that the initial upfront costs, are balanced by the long-term financial benefits that make it so valuable to the consumer. Solar is NOT expensive, and if purchased by the right company, you’ll find it provides benefits far faster than previously expected.

What Does Solar Cost?

Sol Luna Solar provides simple, easy to interpret solar estimates. We are not in the business of confusing customers.

The average rooftop solar installation is around 5 Kilowatt (KW) in capacity. The current average price per watt for the United States has fallen to about $3.00 per watt or less (does not take into account regional differences, roof condition, wiring upgrades, and so forth).This means a consumer with a straightforward roof installation and no service upgrades, could generate electricity with solar for about $14,900 before the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC).

Customers with a tax appetite receive a 30% credit on their taxes for the total cost of the solar system (as long as you own your system, and do not lease); making the average cost of going solar $10,430 (See the market insight report). The price of residential solar continues to fall and the added benefit of financing and no interest payment options is making Solar more appetizing to a broader segment of consumers.

Commercial Businesses Benefit 

For commercial businesses the average is much better when you add in the Federal Tax Credit (30%), Accelerated Depreciation (MACRS), and the USDA Rural Energy For American Program Grant (25%). The program deadline for the next round of USDA Rural Energy For America Program grants is March 31, 2017. 

If you own your commercial building, you are a great candidate for Solar. Not only does solar decrease your overhead, it also shows your customers that you care about reducing your carbon footprint. In addition, a majority of businesses in New Mexico (including Albuquerque) qualify for a REAP grant through the USDA. The 25% grant is money back on the cost of a solar system and greatly reduces your overall solar project costs.

When Should You Take Advantage of Solar?

The answer is simple. RIGHT NOW and Solar Energy Is Within Reach. Solar module prices are at all time lows. With the ITC, residential and commercial customers can see a great return on their investment. Combined with the environmental benefits, energy security, the abundance of sunshine in New Mexico, and the commitment by companies like ours to provide quality and service at lower prices; we believe solar should be your first financial investment of 2017! 


We offer honest, straight-forward information.

Contact Sol Luna Solar to start turning sunshine into savings.

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