Go Solar This Season

Does Solar Power Make Sense For Your Home?

New Mexico provides a perfect setting for Solar integration. The abundance of sunshine, access to reputable solar integrators and rising utility rates, suggest that solar is not only beneficial, but crucial to your home’s health and longevity.

We’ve come up with the top 5 reasons to go solar:

  1. It’s Not As Expensive As You May Think – Solar PV’s true potential can only be realized if you own your solar array. At Sol Luna Solar, we believe that the customer who owns the home should own the solar panels on the roof. That ownership allows the customer to take full advantage of the benefits of Solar PV. When customers lease solar systems they do not get the full benefits and often are subjected to price increases over time. In addition, the cost of producing and installing solar power systems has continued to drop dramatically. The highly competitive solar market means customers can seek out the best-price for Solar. Sol Luna Solar offers the most competitive pricing strategy in order to expand the market to all income levels throughout the state. With financing options the potential to go solar is no longer out of reach for many residential customers.
  2. Generate Your Own Electricity – Solar panels on your roof, allow you to harness energy from the Sun and use it to generate electricity in your home, creating your very own power plant that produces energy for your facility and feeds back the excess into the power grid. The solar potential in New Mexico is immense. On average, New Mexico can expect 310 days of sunshine each year. A home without Solar PV loses the limitless power opportunity and decreases the options for future sustainability.
  3. Lower Your Power Bill – Purchasing a solar system for your home offers a financial investment that provides returns for decades to come. Customers are able to eliminate or largely decrease their solar electricity bill with the implementation of Solar PV. Historically, electricity rates increase 4% every year. A solar system installed by Sol Luna Solar provides consumer protection against rising electricity rates.
  4. Creating the Energy Efficient Home – One of the goals of going Solar is creating a home that is energy efficient. Heat Pumps are becoming increasingly more desirable in the energy efficient home plan. By integrating a heat pump in your solar system design,  you can effectively eliminate your cost for heating and dramatically reduce your home’s carbon pollution. The integration of heat pumps, like the Mitsubishi Mini-Splits allows for heating and cooling that is 2-3 times more efficient than older electric technologies. By installing a solar system to power your electric consumption of the heat pumps, you are effectively heating or cooling your home with sunshine.
  5. Cut Ties With The Grid – As traditional electricity ages, changes are coming that will impact how we get our electricity and where it is produced. By integrating Solar at your home now, you can begin planning for the future of residential electricity storage. Utilizing storage and battery back-up in your home will provide protection against utility grid outages and aging power facilities. The financial burden on customers to convert the utilities to cleaner, more reliable, and affordable energy will be enormous. Installing a solar array will allow you to hedge your future energy consumption. As efficient and affordable battery technologies come online, more and more customers will be able to free themselves from the utility grid; becoming an independent producer of power.

There are many more great reasons to go solar. At Sol Luna Solar we have found that a majority of customers who are currently researching solar options are seeking an alternative to the status quo and are actively looking for positive investments for their future. If you have questions or would like to learn more please call us at 505.455.8875.

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